About Us

We give you control of your shipments

TEU invest time and expertise to fully understand your business before designing plans to improve your supply chain. We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control the flow of goods under our charge.
"get what you plan for"

Our Company History

  1. Dream it

    four years ago we had a dream to start our own business

  2. Believe it

    we believed in it, and hold to it

  3. see it

    we were able to see that it'll come true, we could picture ourselves own a leading company of logistics solutions

  4. Tell it

    we didn't want that dream to be just a passing by thought that only lives in our minds, so we started imagining it and talking about it

  5. Plan it

    we started the planning stage, on regular basis we had our strategy for how to achieve that dream, we had a workable plan and time frame for accomplishing this plan

  6. Work it

    we started working on the plan and of course we had a lot of challenges. TEU was established in 2019 and developed independently by five people, faced a lot of obstacles, however we managed to withstand the coronavirus, subsequent transportation problems, wars, and the financial situation of foreign corporations in general and Egyptian corporations in particular, our goal is much more than that.

  7. Enjoy it

    we are enjoying our success; meanwhile we are a market leader with four branches in different locations and more than 50 employees. We are still at the forefront of progress in terms of worldwide expansion, our range of logistics solutions adapted to certain industries, our research into sustainable logistics, and our cutting-edge IT systems. Four years ago we started taking the risk and founded our own business in logistics, and now we're aiming to lead and rank among the top 10 shipping companies in Egypt.


Here to Help Your Every Business Need

Stop worrying about any shipping problems. Focus on your business. Let us provide the support you deserve.

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